The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has rushed back up players for the Under-19 team that has been rocked by Covid-19 in the Caribbean. As per Cricbuzz, at least five Under-19 players are being flown on Friday night, January 21, to the West Indies as reinforcements for the Yash Dhull led side, which has had to isolate six players, including the skipper himself, following a severe outbreak within the camp. The players will be joining the squad in Trinidad, where the team will take on Uganda in their last Group B game on Saturday.
At least five under 19 players are being flown on Friday night to the West Indies as back-ups to the Yash Dhull led side, which has had to isolate six players, including the skipper himself. #U19WC@vijaymirror with the details ⬇️⬇️
— Cricbuzz (@cricbuzz) January 21, 2022