Akram Khan, BCB’s cricket operations chief, confirmed to Cricbuzz that Rangana Herath will join the Bangladesh Test squad as the spin consultant for the two-match Test series in New Zealand. The BCB have secured his services for a two-year term. The Sri Lankan legend, who initially signed a contract until the end of the T20 World Cup in the UAE and Oman, isn’t a part of the coaching staff for the ongoing Test series against Pakistan. The opening Test is set to be played at the Bay Oval in Tauranga from January 1, 2022.
Herath to join Bangladesh coaching staff for New Zealand tour
Rangana Herath will join the Bangladesh Test squad as the spin consultant for the upcoming two-match Test series in New Zealandhttps://t.co/en0SbFSvKL— Lokmat Times (@LokmatNewsEng) December 8, 2021