Faisal Akram shot to fame for the quality of his left-arm leg spin when playing for Pakistan’s Under-16 side back in 2019. Now 18, he may well represent the future of his country’s slow bowling line-up having impressed in Pakistan’s National T20 Trophy. He made his debut in the competition just a few days ago, showing a good degree of control and taking his first wicket in his second game against Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. His action is a rare variation and always useful in international cricket, where mixing it up is so key.
18-year old left-arm wrist spinner Faisal Akram from ATF @southern_punjab talks about his cricketing journey.#HarHaalMainCricket | #NationalT20Cup | #PakistanFutureStars⭐️ pic.twitter.com/IRfA7Qr869
— Pakistan Cricket (@TheRealPCB) September 27, 2021